From the Editor

Where Are My Friends

A few days ago, while driving on Route 2 towards Sultan, my Spotify Daily Mix playlist suddenly played a song I hadn’t heard in years. It was Republika’s “Biała Flaga” (“White Flag”), and the first verse was “Where are my friends?” (“Gdzie są moi przyjaciele?”). When I got home, the song was still in my head, and I kept asking myself this question: Where are our friends? We left them behind when we moved. They left us behind when they moved. There were a few friendships from high school that survived our turbulent times and all the departures. Some lasted for years, but we stopped responding to their Christmas cards, and they stopped sending them. Some just faded away as we had nothing in common and nothing to say. Then we ended up in Seattle and heard about the Seattle Freeze. Most of us arrived here in our twenties and...


Kino Oko Presents “Carol Of The Bells”

Kino Oko Presents “Carol Of The Bells”

February 14, 2025 7:00 pm-9:00 pm


Polish Cultural Center

If you missed this movie at the Seattle Polish Film Festival a few years ago, this is your chance. In…

Love Under the Stars – Valentine’s Party

Love Under the Stars – Valentine’s Party

February 15, 2025 7:00 pm


Polish Cultural Center

Get ready for an enchanting evening of music, romance, and celebration! Whether you’re arriving with a partner or on your…


An Evening with Krzysztof Siwczyk

An Evening with Krzysztof Siwczyk

February 24, 2025 6:00 pm-7:30 pm

Book, Events, Lecture

University of Washington

The University of Washington will host An Evening with Krzysztof Siwczyk on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. The…

Movie “Erase the Nation” by T. Grzywaczewski

Movie “Erase the Nation” by T. Grzywaczewski

March 2, 2025 4:00 pm-6:00 pm

Polish Cultural Center

On Sunday, March 2nd at 4 p.m., the Polish Cultural Center is hosting a screening of Erase the Nation, a…


Polish Home Election Results

At the annual meeting of the Polish Home Association held on January 26, 2025, Lidia Jasklowska has been re-elected as the PHA President, Erik Lidzbarski as the Senior Vice-President and...


Short Stories

Linguistic False Friends

Linguistic False Friends

A Known Enemy Is Better Than a False Friend. It is hard not to agree with this statement. False friends can cause more harm than a determined enemy. Interestingly, false friends can be found not only in life but also in language. Like people, they can cause trouble, create confusion, and at best, make you laugh. However, unlike people, language false friends are easier to avoid if you know about them and learn to recognize them. So, what are linguistic false friends? They are words in two languages that look or sound similar but have different meanings. The reasons for...


“Impro Frycek, czyli Chopin jakiego nie znacie” Katarzyny Huzar-Czub

“Impro Frycek, czyli Chopin jakiego nie znacie” Katarzyny Huzar-Czub

Jak zainteresować dzieci takimi postaciami jak Chopin, Moniuszko czy Paderewski? To nie lada wyzwanie! Ale Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne i autorka Katarzyna Huzar-Czub znaleźli na to świetny sposób! Sięgając po książkę „Impro Frycek – czyli Chopin, jakiego nie znacie” dostajemy wesołą, rymowaną opowieść o Fryderyku Chopinie. Bez nudy, bez suchych dat,...

“Ocean to pikuś” Łukasza Wierzbickiego

“Ocean to pikuś” Łukasza Wierzbickiego

„Marzenia to moja siła napędowa. Nie bójcie się marzyć!” – te inspirujące słowa Aleksandra Doby, głównego bohatera książki Łukasza Wierzbickiego „Ocean to pikuś”, stanowią doskonałe podsumowanie ducha tej wyjątkowej opowieści. Aleksander Doba, znany na całym świecie jako pierwszy człowiek, który samotnie przepłynął Atlantyk kajakiem, staje się w książce symbolem odwagi,...