
Minsk Mazowiecki Brass Band at the Polish Cultural Center, other places

Minsk Mazowiecki Brass Band at the Polish Cultural Center, other places

October 8, 2024 7:00 pm-8:30 pm

Polish Cultural Center

Mińsk Mazowiecki, Poland is a sister city of Lacey, WA. The exchange program between the two cities is thriving, bringing…

Klub Książki: “Dawno temu w Warszawie”

Klub Książki: “Dawno temu w Warszawie”

October 18, 2024 6:00 pm-7:30 pm


Klub książki zaprasza wszystkich zainteresowanych do udziału w spotkaniu. Książka na następne spotkanie to "Wydarzenia życiowe" Karoliny Waclawiak, wydana przez…

Spektakl muzyczny “Nie tylko o miłości”

Spektakl muzyczny “Nie tylko o miłości”

October 19, 2024 7:00 pm-7:00 pm

Polish Cultural Center

Sobotni wieczór 19 października warto spędzić w Domu Polskim, w którym wystąpi Teatr Hybrydy Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego dostarczając widzom niezapomnanych wrażeń…


Polish Bazaar at the Polish Cultural Center

Polish Bazaar at the Polish Cultural Center

November 2, 2024 12:00 pm-5:00 pm

Polish Cultural Center

The fall bazaar comes to the Polish Cultural Center at its usual first weekend of November, organized by the Polish…


Open House at Polish Scouts

Join Polish Scouts! If you are looking for a place for your child where they can develop their skills, make friends, and experience unforgettable adventures – Polish Scouting is the...

Flood Relief for Poland

Dear Friends of Poland, As you have seen in the news, there has been terrible flooding in Central Europe, including Poland, recently. In Poland, the highlands in the south-west of...
