The University of Washington will host An Evening with Krzysztof Siwczyk on Monday, February 24, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. The event will feature a reading and conversation with the award-winning
The local Polish Scout Troop “Kaszuby” invites everybody to the Polish Cultural Center for a celebration of the Polish Independence Day commemorating Poland emerging as an independent nation on November
Dom Polski i Szkoła Polska im. ks. Jana Twardowskiego w Bellevue serdecznie zapraszają na monodram „Wisława Szymborska: Poezja i życie” w wykonaniu Agaty Pilitowskiej. Spektakl ten został przygotowany z okazji setnej
This event is in Polish. Salon Poezji zaprasza miłośników na duchową ucztę poezji i muzyki pt. “Cień babiego lata”. W programie wiersze znanych poetów z Opola, Elżbiety Lisak-Duda i Harry’ego
The local Polish Scout Troop invites everybody to the Polish Cultural Center at for a celebration of the Polish Independence Day commemorating Poland emerging as an independent nation on November
The UW Slavic Department presents a lecture “Revolutionary Subjecthood of the Interwar Poetry in Poland: Traumatized Selves and Heterogeneous Subjectivities in Tytus Czyżewski’s Writing” by Dr. Agnieszka Jeżyk. This talk
The Seattle Polish Scout Troop “Kaszuby” invite everybody to the Polish Cultural Center at 2:30 pm on Sunday November 13 for a celebration of the Polish Independence Day commemorating Poland