A few days ago, while driving on Route 2 towards Sultan, my Spotify Daily Mix playlist suddenly played a song I hadn’t heard in years. It was Republika’s “Biała Flaga” (“White Flag”), and the first verse was “Where are my friends?” (“Gdzie są moi przyjaciele?”). When I got home, the song was still in my head, and I kept asking myself this question: Where are our friends?
We left them behind when we moved. They left us behind when they moved. There were a few friendships from high school that survived our turbulent times and all the departures. Some lasted for years, but we stopped responding to their Christmas cards, and they stopped sending them. Some just faded away as we had nothing in common and nothing to say.
Then we ended up in Seattle and heard about the Seattle Freeze.
False friends in language, much like in life, can lead to misunderstandings. These are words in two languages that look or sound similar but have different meanings. For instance, the Polish “konfident” means an informant or betrayer, while the English “confident” refers to someone who is self-assured. Being aware of such false friends helps avoid miscommunication, ensuring that we use words correctly in different contexts, whether in everyday conversation or professional settings, and makes cross-language exchanges smoother. Read the article and turn false friands to your conversational companions.
Jak zainteresować dzieci takimi postaciami jak Chopin, Moniuszko czy Paderewski? To nie lada wyzwanie! Ale Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne i autorka Katarzyna Huzar-Czub znaleźli na to świetny sposób! Sięgając po książkę
It is February and winter is in full bloom. A snowy blanket covers our Pacific Northwest, and it’s so beautiful! But with cold weather the season comes for colds and
Years ago, when I lived in Montreal, the city would come alive once a year, with everyone getting out and moving. Since 1971, Canadians have been joining the ParticipACTION movement
At the annual meeting of the Polish Home Association held on January 26, 2025, Lidia Jasklowska has been re-elected as the PHA President, Erik Lidzbarski as the Senior Vice-President and
Starting this week, our new team will be sending a weekly newsletter and publishing Polish news on our website and on Facebook. We have exciting news about the Seattle Polish
Long time Polish community member, Grazyna Kapa, passed away peacefully after a yearlong battle with cancer on December 31, 2024. We invite you to join us in a celebration of
Anyone who learns a foreign language will sooner or later come across expressions whose meaning does not derive literally from the individual words. Their meaning is metaphorical, established, and understood
For some time now, Seattle Polish News has been looking for a new editor-in-chief to take over the news service from Ryszard Kott. However, this search has been unsuccessful and
Każdy, kto uczy się języka obcego, prędzej czy później natrafi na wyrażenia, których znaczenie nie wynika dosłownie z poszczególnych słów. Ich znaczenie jest metaforyczne, ustalone i zrozumiane tylko w danym
„Marzenia to moja siła napędowa. Nie bójcie się marzyć!” – te inspirujące słowa Aleksandra Doby, głównego bohatera książki Łukasza Wierzbickiego „Ocean to pikuś”, stanowią doskonałe podsumowanie ducha tej wyjątkowej opowieści.
The Polish Home Association is happy to announce the opening of an Art Gallery in the Polish Cultural Center. We are creating a forum for artists associated with the Polish community to present their art and to popularize and promote art in our community.
The Seattle Polish News has finally a new editor-in-chief. Bohdan Raciborski volunteered to run our news service in 2025. He replaces Ryszard Kott, who created the Polish News Seattle in
As usual at the Christmas season, you can preorder the holiday cold and hot foodstuffs from Sebi’s. Pickup is on Saturday, December 21 or Monday, December 23. The preorder form
To whom it may concern, Syrena Seattle is preparing for an exciting new concert season in 2025. With beautiful new costumes in the making, we are thrilled to present our
Local artist, Wendy Rader-Konofalski, is back for the November Edmonds Art Walk which takes place every third Thursday of the month. Come and see her and her artist colleague, Becca,
Polish News looks for a new editor-in-chief to take over our news service from Ryszard Kott. If you are interested in joining Seattle Polish News, or discussing what it would
Polish folk costumes designed by Basia Niesulowski are offered for sale this Fall Bazar at the Polish Cultural Center. Please visit Art by Basia shop on Etsy for costumes, paintings, drawings, cards
Calling All Young Artists! Polish Scouts in Seattle are seeking your creative ideas to give us an innovative design for our next t-shirt to honor this year’s Scout Theme: “Give