The spring quarter at the University of Washington brings again courses that can draw people interested in Polish language and culture. As usual, seniors 60+ can register to listen to these courses for a token fee (in range of $10) through the UW Access Program. Notable courses include:
- Second-year Polish with instructor Krystyna Untersteiner; the coursereinforces the basic grasp of language, enlarges vocabulary and command of grammatical patterns beyond the sentence level.
- East European Literature and Film by Prof. Gordana Crnković; this course introduces students to masterpieces of literature and film by Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav, and Baltic authors.
- Ways of Meaning: Universal & Culture Specifics Aspects of Language by Prof. Katarzyna Dziwirek; the course Focuses on the diversity of human experience and the social and cultural conditioning of language use. Language as a mirror of culture and national character.
More: Registration for the current quarter through the Access Program opened on March 31, 2021; the registration window ends on April 13, 2021.