Art Contest by the Polish Theater

The 18th Avenue Theatre and Magdalena Gustowska-Kucharska invite all children and youth to an art contest related to its first play scheduled to have a premiere on June 24, 2022.

The play in Polish is Przygody pchły szachrajki / The adventures of the Flea of a Chess Game” and hence the contest theme “What Hisses and Chirps in the Grass / Co w trawie piszczy” is to illustrate insects. The contest is open to all children aged from 2 to 18. The artworks should be submitted by email and the submission deadline is May 31, 2022. Results will be announced on June 15, and the exhibition will be available after the premiere of the play. Attractive awards await the contest winners!

The 18th Avenue Theater is the newly formed Polish theater at the Polish Cultural Center in Seattle. This is the theater’s first season and its first play. We wish the theater a big success at its premiere in June!

More: contest rules in Polish and in English; poster art by Magdalena Gustowska-Kucharska