KINO OKO is showing another WWII documentary “Traveller. Action Intelligentsia / Podróżnik. Akcja Inteligencja” (2019, 56 min), directed by Hanna Etemadi.
This fictionalized documentary is a story based on the memoires of Marian Główka – a teacher and scoutmaster from Silesia, arrested in the spring of 1940 as part of the German “Action Intelligentsia”. The goal of the action was physical elimination of Polish elites; one of most infamous cases was sending the whole body of Polish professors of the Jagiellonian University in Cracow to the Dachau concentration camp to perish. The hero of the film was a prisoner of five concentration camps: KL Dachau, KL Matthausen-Gusen, KL Auschwitz, KL Gross-Rosen and KL Hersbruck. He survived the “death march” from KL Hersbruck to KL Dachau
More: about movie
by RK