Don’t miss this concert featuring prize-winning pianists from the Chopin Academy of Music! In the past, the Chopin Academy has sent its talented young musicians and alumni to Benaroya Hall and Carnegie Hall, as well as national and international festivals, where they have been recognized for their brilliant performances. This time they play at the Polish Cultural Center in Seattle.
The following young artists will play at the event:
- William Feng,
- Farrah Lee,
- Lucas Lee,
- Eli Li,
- Noah Maeda,
- Yechong (Eric) Shan,
- Rebecca Sun,
- Andrew Sun-Zhuang,
- Arianne Zhang, and
- Ava Zhang.
Their teachers are Drs. Ivona Kaminska-Bowlby, Christopher Bowlby, and Ross Salvosa.
You will hear pieces from the following composers: Frederic Chopin, Johann Sebastian Bach, Joseph Haydn, Franz Liszt, Enrique Granados, Claude Debussy, Maurice Ravel, Olivier Messiaen, and Nikolai Kapustin.
More: For more information click here. You can also contact the Chopin Academy of Music at their Facebook page
by NS