The Kosciuszko Foundation Online Programs presents a webinar Huddled in Full Sentences: Poetic Worlds of Ewa Lipska by Jaroslaw Anders.
One of the most distinctive voices in contemporary Polish poetry, Ewa Lipska’s writing combines the feeling of personal vulnerability, social corrosion, historical perils, and philosophical uncertainties of modern life. Often associated with the poets of Generation 68, she has created a unique poetic universe of her own. An ironist and skeptic acutely aware of the finality of human existence and the presence of death in every moment of life, she also projects a sense of stoicism and intellectual reserve that allow her to speak about the darkest corners of experiences with compassion and without despair.
Jaroslaw Anders talks about the poetic worlds of Ewa Lipska in the third and final part of his presentation of the first generation of Polish poets born after World War II.
Jaroslaw Anders is a freelance writer, translator, and editor. He is the author of Between Fire and Sleep: Essays on Modern Polish Poetry and Prose (Yale: Yale University Press, 2009) and numerous articles in The New York Review of Books, The New Republic, the Los Angeles Times Book Review, and other publications. He has translated several books from English into Polish and from Polish into English. In the past, he served as a writer and broadcaster for the Voice of America and worked in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor of the U.S. Department of State. He lives in Washington, D.C.
More: the KF webinar page and registration info